Doctors & Clinics

Ingenix CareTracker is the complete practice management and electronic medical records solution

Electronic Health Records have revolutionized the health care industry and recent legislation has provided incentives for hospitals and providers who invest in certified health IT products. Ingenix CareTracker is an industry leader in providing Electronic Medical Record Solutions.

YOUR data is safe with us
  • You own your data, we simply maintain it for you.
  • Your data will reside on secure and redundant servers located across the country, similar to the banking and brokerage systems many of us use regularly.
  • You may access or retrieve your data at any time.
  • Your data will never be shared.
  • Your data will not be aggregated for any purpose without your prior approval.
  • Quicker payment with fewer rejections!
  • CareTracker has built-in claims scrubbing software. This means that your claims will be scrubbed before they are submitted, and your first pass approval rate will climb to 92 – 97%.
  • CareTracker communicates with more than 1,500 payers real-time, rejected claims are immediately flagged for on the spot correction, thereby reducing costs and increasing speed of payment.
  • Say goodbye to EDI fees!
  • With CareTracker, EDI fees associated with claims processing go away.
  • CareTracker communicates with more than 1,500 payers real-time, rejected claims are immediately flagged for on the spot correction, thereby reducing costs and increasing speed of payment.

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